April 16, 2009

Seasons of Change

"Seasons don't begin with a beginning, they begin with an ending."
I saw this quote on a blog of one of my co-World Racers, Jimmy McCarty. He talked about grieving the different seasons of our lives. This statement could not ring more true in my ears! This new beginning is exciting, but these endings are hard. I have been ending with my clients, ending with my co-workers, ending with my "Little Sister," ending with my friends, ending with the people that I regularly see at the dry-cleaners, the coffee shop, the bank, etc. It has been a lot of endings and i'm pretty sure I've had enough of them to last me awhile. Jimmy ended his blog with this statement...
"Fear of the result is always worse than the result that actually occurs. Don't miss out on a great beginning because an ending
is too hard to let go of."
And that's what it comes down to, I think. Endings are hard, but holding on to those things could cause us to miss out on other great opportunities. So despite the changes, goodbyes, and let downs, I am excited and looking forward to this next step in my life!
**Sidenote: my car is already packed, with room to spare even! I'm going to post pictures tomorrow :)


  1. agreed... hence the constant text messages of "Move."


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So true Em. My advice, don't get caught up in comparison either (something I know all too well). Like comparing your new job to your old job ect. It just won't be the same better or worse. Just like you said, don't miss the awesome blessings of your new beginning. I know you won't. Safe travels!!!!love you!

  4. Can't wait to see pictures, Em!
