January 26, 2009

Good Idea? Bad idea?

So...my brother and I signed up to run the Indy mini-marathon on May 2nd. Since I have ran three times since my 10 mile race in August, I figured I should start running. But since I live in Michigan (aka the artic) and it has been too cold to run outside, I ventured up to my grandparents to use their treadmill. I walked one mile, ran one mile, and lifted weights. As I was leaving, my grandma handed me these...

Warm, gooey, scrumptious, chocolate chip cookies. Yeah...thanks Gram...that really helps my workout. I did only eat two...so i'm hoping I still made out on top. The next time I walked out with leftover food. I'm wondering if this exercising at grandma and grandpa's is a good idea or not. I think I'll keep going...at least until it gets 30+ degrees outside.

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